Costanzo, P. R., & Hasher, L. (1988). Mood and memory: A reconsideration. Journal of Social Behavior and Personality, 3, 71-78. Abstract In this article, we raise a number of concerns about the relationship between mood and memory. The first is with the directionality of this relationship. In contrast with many other approaches, including those reviewed by Ellis and Ashbrook (1987), we argue for the affect as a secondary manifestation of an underlying cognitive operation. More specifically, we propose that in the domain of personally relevant memory, mood, or affect is triggered by the access of significant cognitive content. This preliminary formulation implies that efforts to explore mood-memory relations via content-free manipulation of mood states may be less than optimal in the case of personally meaningful memories induces potent mood states in the individual which are likely to have an impact on subsequent memorial tasks. The implications of this proposal for experimental method, data collection, and current theory are each discussed. Other issues discussed include current methodology and the difficulties we foresee in collaborative research among clinical, social, and cognitive psychologists. Back to Publications Home
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