Stoltzfus, E. R., Hasher, L., & Zacks, R. T. (1996). Working memory and aging: Current status of the inhibitory view. In J. T. E. Richardson (Ed.), Counterpoints in Cognition: Working Memory and Human Cognition. (pp. 66-68). Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press. Abstract Excerpt from Chapter: The construct
of working memory has become a central component of many models of cognitive
functioning, including those developed in the areas of thinking, problem
solving, and memory, as well as in most aspects of language processing,
such as comprehension, production, and reading. Generally, working memory
is conceptualized as a mental workspace consisting of activated memory
presentations that are available in a temporary buffer for manipulation
during cognitive processing. These activated representations may or may
not be available to consciousness, but they are usually thought to be
above some threshold of activation (Baddeley, 1986, 1992; cf. Cowan, 1988,
1993). Working memory has both storage and processing functions, enabling
both the temporary maintenance of active representations in memory and
also the manipulation of these representations in the service of current
processing demands. In tasks such a language comprehension, in which complex
processing of current information is ongoing but in which continuity with
previous information must be preserved at all times, efficient operation
of both the processing and storage components of working memory is critical.
Demands placed on working memory at any given time will, of course, vary
across situations and across individuals who differ in expertise or cognitive
abilities. Back to Publications Home
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