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Simay Ikier, Ph.D.
Research Interests: Implicit Memory & Aging,
& Source Memory
Simay is now a
Professor at Yeditepe Universitesi in Turkey.
- Yeditepe Universitesi
26 Augustos Yerlesimi
Psikolji Boluma
- Turkey 34755
- Phone: (90) 216-578-0898

I was born in Izmir,
a beautiful city on the Agean
coast of Turkey.
I completed my undergraduate and Master's degrees at Bogazici
University, Istanbul.
During my master's, I did some work on disputed autobiographical memories
of twins and sex differences in cognition.
Updating my caravan dream to jumbo jet, I then came to Toronto to do my Ph.D. in Perception,
Cognition, and Cognitive Neuroscience. Starting to use English instead
of Turkish in every day life got me interested in how language would
influence a person's cognition. Subsequently, I collected some data
on how syntactic markers of a language would affect source memory.
Currently, I am doing experimental research on memory and aging, and
I am specializing in the area of implicit memory and implicit memory
performance under reduced/shared resources in younger and older adults.
You can e-mail me if you would like to learn more about me or my research.
Or, you can always come and chat with me about anything. I am usually
found in my underground office in SS Room 600, right under Miro's Red
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