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1992 -1996

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Circadian Rhythm/Time-of-Day


All Publications
Attention/Inhibitory Regulation
Circadian Rhythm/Time-of-Day
Decision Making
Visuospatial/Working Memory
Culture and Cognition



Ngo, K.W.J., Biss, R.K. & Hasher, L. (2018). Time of Day Effects on the Use of Distraction to Minimise Forgetting. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology. DOI: 10.117/1747021817740808 [pdf]


Anderson, J.A.E., Sarraf, S., Amer, T., Bellana, B., Man, V.,Campbell, K. L., Hasher, L., & Grady, C.L. (2017).Task-linked Diurnal Brain Network Reorganization in Older Adults a Graph Theortical Approach  Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 29 (3), pp. 560-572. [pdf]

May, C.P. & Hasher, L. (2017). Synchrony Affects Performance for Older but not Younger Neutral-Type Adults. Timing and Time Perception, 5 (2), pp. 129-148. [pdf]

Ngo, K.W.J., Hasher, L. (2017). Optimal Testing Time for Suppression of Competitors During Interference Resolution. Memory, DOI: 10.1080/09658211.2017.1309437 [pdf]


Anderson. J. A., Campbell, K. L., Amer, T., Grady, C. L., & Hasher, L. (2014). Timing is everything: Age differences in the cognitive control network are modulated by time of day. Psychology & Aging, 29 (3), 648-657. [pdf]


Biss, R. K., & Hasher, L. (2012). Happy as a lark: Morning-type younger and older adults are higher in positive affect. Emotion, 12 (3), 437-441. [pdf]

Hahn, C., Cowell, J. M., Wiprzycka, U. J., Goldstein, D., Ralph, M., Hasher, L., & Zelazo, P. D. (2012). Circadian rhythms in executive function during the transition to adolescence: The effect of synchrony between chronotype and time of day. Developmental Science, 15 (3), 408-416. [pdf]

Edelstein, K., Cirino, P. T., Hasher, L., Fletcher, J. M., & Dennis, M. (2012). Sleep problems, chronotype, and diurnal preferences in children and adults with spina bifida. Journal of Biological Rhythms, 27 (2), 172-175. [pdf]


Rowe, G, Turcotte, J, & Hasher L. (2009). Age and synchrony effects in visuospatial cognition. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, 62(10), 1873-1880.

Hogan, M. J., Kelly, C. A. M., Verrier, D., Newell, J., Hasher, L. & Robertson, I. H. (2009). Optimal time-of-day and consolidation of learning in younger and older adults. Experimental Aging Research, 28, 107-128.


Yang, L., Hasher, L., & Wilson, D. E. (2007). Synchrony effects in automatic and controlled retrieval. Psychonomic Bulletin & Review, 14, 51-56

DeYoung, C. G., Hasher, L., Djikic, M., Criger, B., & Peterson, J. B. (2007). Morning people are stable people: circadian rhythms and the higher-order factors of the Big Five. Personality and Individual Differences, 43, 267-276.

Goldstein, D., Hahn, C., Hasher, L., Wiprzycka, U.J., & Zelazo, D.P. (2007). Time of day, academic performance, and behavioural problems in young adolescents; is there a synchrony problem? Personality & Individual Differences, 42, 431-440.


Hasher, L., Goldstein, D., & May, C. P. (2005). It's about time: Circadian rhythms, memory, and aging. In C. Izawa & N. Ohta (Eds.), Human Learning and Memory: Advances in Theory and Application: The 4th Tsukuba International Conference on Memory (pp. 199-217). Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.

May, C. P., Hasher, L., Foong, N. (2005). Implicit memory, age, and time of day: Paradoxical priming effects. Psychological Science, 16, 96-100.


Winocur, G., & Hasher, L. (2004). Age and time-of-day effects on learning and memory in a non-matching-to-sample test. Neurobiology of Aging, 25, 1107-1115.


Hasher, L., Chung, C., May, C. P., & Foong, N. (2002). Age, time of testing, and proactive interference. Canadian Journal of Experimental Psychology, 56(3), 200-207.

*Kim, S., Dueker, G. L., Hasher, L., & Goldstein, D. (2002). Children's time of day preference: Age, gender and ethnic differences. Personality & Individual Differences, 33(7), 1083-1090.

Winocur, G., & Hasher, L. (2002). Circadian rhythms and memory in aged humans and animals. In L. Squire & D. Schacter (Eds.), Neuropsychology of Memory, 3rd Edition (pp. 273-285). New York, NY: Guilford Publishers.


Yoon, C., May, C. P., & Hasher, L. (2000). Aging, circadian arousal patterns, and cognition. In D. C. Park & D. Schwarz (Eds.), Cognitive aging: A primer (pp. 151-171). Philidelphia, PA. Psychology Press.


Hasher, L., Zacks, R. T., & May, C. P. (1999). Inhibitory control, circadian arousal, and age. In D. Gopher & A. Koriat (Eds.), Attention & Performance, XVII, Cognitive Regulation of Performance: Interaction of Theory and Application (pp. 653-675). Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.

Hasher, L., Zacks, R. T., & Rahhal, T. A. (1999). Timing, instructions, and inhibitory control: Some missing factors in the age and memory debate. Gerontology, 45, 355-357.

Winocur, G., & Hasher, L. (1999). Aging and time-of-day effects on cognition in rats. Behavioral Neuroscience, 113, 991-997.

Yoon, C., May, C. P., & Hasher, L. (1999). Aging, circadian arousal patterns, and cognition. In N. Schwarz, D. Park, B. Knauper, & S. Sudman (Eds.), Aging, cognition and self reports (pp. 117-143). Washington, DC: Psychological Press.


Li, K. Z. H., Hasher, L., Jonas, D., Rahhal, T. A., & May, C. P. (1998). Distractibility, circadian arousal, and aging: A boundary condition? Psychology and Aging, 13, 574-583.

May, C. P., & Hasher, L. (1998). Synchrony effects in inhibitory control over thought and action. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance, 24, 363-379.


May, C. P., Hasher, L., & Stoltzfus, E. R. (1993). Optimal time of day and the magnitude of age differences in memory. Psychological Science, 4, 326-330.


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